March and April Favorites

So it occurred to me that it is now May, and I haven’t posted about cool things since February, which, frankly, doesn’t seem right. To correct this, here are cool things from the past two months (also known as less cold winter) all in one fun-sized post.

1. Toast. With butter. I’ve been pretty wild about butter toast lately. I eat it a lot. It is tasty. And brings me back to simpler times.

2. Community. I watched the whole series in about a week and now I am all caught up. I now have a very real crush on Abed, and I’m not ashamed of it.


3. Ensaimadas. They are these dope Spanish pastries that I just can’t get enough of. Last week, I went to Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona for a few days, and I ate about four of these on the last day alone. They were the highlight of the trip, which is saying something (that something being “I’m a fattie”).



4. Vanilla Coke. IT’S BACK YA’LL.

5. Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I watched this on the 8-hour bus ride to Barcelona. I you haven’t seen it yet, you’re doing life wrong.


6. Polka dot sneaks. They’re cute and also only £3. Dolla makes me holla.


7. Little Venice. It’s this place in Zone 2 of London. It’s basically a canal lined with houseboats and restaurants and sloping trees and there’s this tiny park next to it. It’s just really pretty, especially on a sunny day.


8. Gelato. I’ve been eating a lot of it. You should too.

9. American deodorant. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and England literally has no idea how to make deodorant. No idea.

10. The Diviners by Libba Bray. Super cool 1920s magical spirit-filled book. It’s totally original and exciting and scary and we need this book to be in this world. It’s a winner.


11. Marks and Spencer fruit salads. Marks and Spencer is a chain department/grocery store in the UK and they make the most delicious fruit salads you’ve ever had. I shall miss them when I am gone.

12. Poffertjes. These are traditional Dutch pancakes that I had in Amsterdam. They taste like Jesus cooked them with the ambrosia of the Greek gods. I’m not messing around here, they really are that good.


I realize that most of my favorites are food. I see no problem with that. Catch ya later.


One thought on “March and April Favorites

  1. Kellei says:

    Loved your update but now I’m hungry and ready to plan a trip. Forgetting Sara Marshall… 🙂 loved it!

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